Leavittsburg Dam Project

Leavittsburg Dam


The purpose of the Canoe City MetroPark Leavittsburg Dam Removal Project (the “Project”) is to remove the Canoe City MetroPark Leavittsburg dam (the “Leavittsburg dam”) on the Mahoning River. This Project will remove a fish passage barrier on the Mahoning River and enhance biological diversity potential within the area of the dam.

As a part of this Project the necessary dam pool sediment would be assessed and removed, and the natural stream morphology will be restored to the greatest extent possible within the vicinity of the dam. The Project will also include bank stabilization activities such as natural rock placed at the toe of slope, bendway weir structures, and woody debris placed at the toe of slope. Bank stabilization would focus on protecting those areas where slope toe sediments are dredged as well as protecting those bank areas where fine-grained sediment is left in place, and which may be susceptible to erosion or bank instability. An Environmental Covenant will be placed on portions of the river corridor and streambank where restoration activities will occur.

This Water Resource Restoration Sponsor Program (WRRSP) Management Plan (Plan) provides a guide for the restoration activities and the long-term management of the Project site and satisfies Ohio EPA requirements. The overall cost of this Project is estimated to be $3,203,500.00. The WRRSP program will provide $3,203,500 of the Project funding.

Design Build Consultant, River Reach Design build Team, was selected after a RFQ/RFP process. They will undertake in 2024 the initial stage which includes design and sediment testing. Construction is being aimed for 2025. 

The project will be funded by Akron’s Northside Interceptor Tunnel project.


Management Plan CC Brochure

"EA and FONSI -

Design Build Notice

Design Build RFQ 

Design Build RFQ Appendix

Timeline Resolution